그림 한장으로 보는 Aperture(조리개), Shutter Speed(셔터 스피드), ISO(감도)입니다.
This Picture Sums Up What You Need To Know About Aperture, Shutter Speed And ISO
The technical aspect of photography can be a challenging field to navigate.
Before you get your knickers in a twist, here’s a simple and straightforward visual to help ease your understanding of three fundamental elements–aperture, shutter speed and ISO–that affect image quality.
The first row focuses on aperture. This regulates the amount of light reaching your camera lens. It is measured by f-stops. The larger the f-stop is, the smaller the aperture. For example, if you want to capture an image in a very bright environment, opt for a smaller aperture to manage photo brightness.
Aperture is also used to achieve the bokeh effect–a soft out-of-focus background. An image captured with a larger aperture, for example a small f-stop such as f/1.4, will result in a more out-of focus background as compared to one taken with a smaller aperture, for example f/32.
The second row relates to shutter speed. This controls the amount of time the camera shutter remains open. A fast shutter speed, for example 1/1000, freezes motion and allows less light to reach the camera sensor. Slow shutter speeds are more suitable for night photography or in low-light environments.
Last but not least is ISO, which dictates the camera’s sensitivity to light. In low-light environments, a higher ISO will be more suitable. The downside, however, is that the image will appear more grainy.
출처: DesignTAXI / Lifehack
조리개: 빛을 받아들이는 양을 조절해 사진의 밝기를 조절하는 장치
조리개값 기준: F1.4, F2, F2.8, F4, F5.6, F8, F11, F16, F22
제곱하여 2의 배수로 올라감: 1.4(2), 2(4), 2.8(8), 4(16), 5.6(32), 8(64), 11(128), 16(256), 22(512)
F1이 100% 빛이라면 F1.4는 50% 줄어듦 즉, 값이 낮을수록 조리개가 개방돼, 빛을 받아들이는 양이 많아져 사진이 밝아짐
셔터 스피드: 셔터가 한번 열렸다 닫히는 속도를 나타낸 수치
셔터속도가 30일경우 1/30초동안 셔타가 열렸다 닫힌다는 의미
감도: 필름이 빛에 얼마나 민감하게 반응하는가를 나타내는 수치
이미지 센서가 필름 카메라의 어느 정도에 해당하는 감도를 가지고 있느냐에 따라 ISO 수치가 정해짐
이 수치가 높을수록 작은 빛에도 민감하게 반응해 사진이 밝아짐 / 대신 화질이 떨어짐
셔터 스피드, 조리개, ISO가 의미하는것은?
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