영상작업에 참고가 될 글로벌링크를 모아봤어요~
참고할만한 정보들이 더 있다면 언제든지 추가할생각입니다
한국 모션그래픽 사이트
01. C4D한국유저그룹 - http://www.cinema4d.co.kr
02. Rhythmical Imagination - http://cafe.naver.com/rhymage
03. MG25 - http://www.mg25.com
04. VDAS - http://www.vdas.co.kr
한국 디자이너(개인/팀)
01. Mofac & Alfred - http://www.mofac-alfred.com
02. rhymage - http://www.rhymage.com
03. SPINMOVE - http://spinmove.net
04. SAVE:AZ - http://www.saveazfilmz.com
05. ALFRED IMAGEWORKS - http://aiw.co.kr
06. VEIG - http://veig.com
해외 모션그래픽 사이트
01. Vimeo - https://vimeo.com
02. Motionspire - http://motionspire.com
03. Motionographer - http://motionographer.com
04. Behance : Motion - www.motionserved.com
05. Inspiration Grid - http://theinspirationgrid.com/category/video
해외 디자이너(개인/팀)
01. BLUR - http://www.blur.com (미국)
02. DIGITAL DOMAIN - http://digitaldomain.com (미국)
03. FRAMESTORE - https://www.framestore.com (미국)
04. IMAGINARY FORCES - https://www.imaginaryforces.com (미국)
05. Troika - http://www.troika.tv (미국)
06. THE MILL - http://www.themill.com (미국)
07. Spon - http://www.spon.com (미국)
08. UVPHACTORY - http://uvph.com (미국)
09. Hillman Curtis - http://hillmancurtis.com (미국)
10. Digital kitchen - http://thisisdk.com (미국)
11. AWESOME - http://www.awesomeinc.com (미국)
12. A52 - http://www.a52.com (미국)
13. Demo Duck - http://demoduck.com (미국)
14. DRESS CODE - http://dresscodeny.com (미국)
15. immersive - http://immersive.international (미국)
16. JUSTIN MCCLURE CREATIVE - https://www.justinmcclure.com (미국)
17. John Likens - http://www.johnlikens.com (미국)
18. Malka - http://malkamediagroup.com (미국)
19. motion504 - https://www.motion504.com (미국)
20. VRANIZAN - http://www.vranizan.nyc (미국)
21. Not To Scale - http://nottoscale.tv (미국)
22. Oddfellows - http://oddfellows.tv (미국)
23. propoint - https://www.propointgraphics.com (미국)
24. revthink - http://www.revthink.com (미국)
25. SLANTED STUDIOS - https://slanted.studio (미국)
26. TRANSISTOR - http://transistorstudios.com (미국)
27. aweFULL - https://www.awe-full.com (미국)
28. White Noise Lab - http://www.whitenoiselab.com (미국)
29. Wipster - https://wipster.io (미국)
30. yU+co - http://www.yuco.com (미국)
31. BEEPLE - http://www.beeple-crap.com (미국)
32. Cookie Studio - http://cookiestudio.tv (영국)
33. 2Factory - http://2factory.com (프랑스)
34. WIZZ - http://www.wizz.fr (프랑스)
35. BRIKK - http://brikk.se (스웨덴)
36. OFFSET - http://offset.sg (싱가포르)
37. Nice Type - https://vimeo.com/channels/nicetype (미국 for Vimeo)
38. Sta(Bit192) - http://bit192.info (일본 for Youtube)
39. BA - http://baaaf.com (일본)
40. Everyday One Motion : https://twitter.com/motions_work (일본 for Twitter)
01. 블로그내 영상갤러리
04. 3D 맥스 튜토리얼 사이트모음
05. 마야 튜토리얼 사이트모음
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